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Supported systems

For each system at least 1 Ghz processor and 1 Gb RAM is required.

  • Windows 10
  • Mac OS X Big Sur or later
  • Linux

Note: To run Gideros your computer must support OpenGL 3.0 or better. To find out what version of OpenGL you have, please see here.

Additional hardware specifications are needed to export to some mobile operating systems: to export to iOS requires Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite; for Windows Store/Phone you need a Windows 10 PC running DirectX 11.1. To export for iOS, Windows Phone and Android also requires you to install additional software

Gideros Studio runs on a variety of platforms, offering a true multi-platform availability for developers. Currently the download is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X

After downloading

We suggest you start with the following actions, after downloading and installing Gideros:

  • Have a look at the examples included within Gideros Studio and tinker with them, it is the best way to get started.
  • Go to Developer Guide, and learn how to write an application, by reading various resources and studying the Reference Guide.
  • Subscribe to Gideros forums, and ask your questions – we have a nice community!

All Github Gideros Releases

Get Gideros for Microsoft Windows 10, Linux and Mac OS X below. Read instructions on how to install Gideros, and visit Forum if you have any issues with developing, running and deploying your own mobile application.

Installation package Date Download link Release notes